Why, of why, do today's screenwriters feel the need to use God's name (Jesus Christ) as a curse word? If you've got to have your character saying a vile curse word, why not just pull out one of the time tested old faithful bad words? But no, let's see how many people we can offend and it's just so trendy. Then to ice the cake let's tie some f-bombs to it much of the time
Well, maybe many of the writers are Jewish and that's their way off expressing their feelings about Jesus and this will attract others who feel the same way. Or Muslim? Or whatever. In today's cancel culture (which is way out of control) no one should suffer an offense, except Christians. Anything to do with Christianity is fair game, in fact, to not insult them is untrendy and should not be viewed.
It's a shame, this series has an interesting storyline and interesting special effects and characters. Quirky and out there, but it's sci-fi so that's fine. I'll never know how it plays out because I'm done with it.