The technical aspects of the movie were good.
From the opening, it was obvious with the banana hammock and buff body, gallivanting around, tip-toeing through the mountains, claiming to be a messenger of God was, a joke. It pains me to see how they were dragged into his net of deception, and as the story progressed it became clearer he, whatever his name was at the moment was not awake, illuminated nos emotionally healthy.
I have empathy for the disciples as I was misled by a Guru who was recognized by the Dalai Lama, Moogi and a dozen Vedanta based Hinduism traditions based in India. He was the disciple of a recognized spiritual saint in Laxman Jhula, where he had an ashram, hundreds of thousands of disciples around the globe, lived a simple life, served humanity and wore traditional white clothing covering his entire body.
He was a psychologist, a shaman, studied in the sacred Hindu texts and the christian bible. He was charismatic, this banana hammock guy was simply freaky.
Anyhow, greed and sex are measurements of your level of spiritual progression; he would state. From Bhagwan, to Janderson Fernandes de Oliveira, to this poor soul, they had a way of manipulating the masses, and selling spiritual enlightenment, without having attained it themselves.
They are sexual predators, criminals, rapists.