I now have a favorite Christmas Movie! I fell in love with Jimmy O. Yang's character about 39 minutes into the movie ( It was definitely earlier than that but, that's when I checked my minutes in😋) and probably sooner than that when I realized I needed to write a review before the movie was even over lol Nina Dobrev did an amazing job! Not like I ever felt she wouldn't 🙃 It's not easy going from big hit TV shows with characters people fall hard core for and being able to do something different, so mad props there! Thank you for this great film! All of the characters where fantastic! One of my favorite scenes was the Christmas caroling🤣🤣🤣 That show stealing between the brothers killed me☠And the song between Nina and Jimmy was super cute. This should legit be the new 2021 Christmas song version* I also had to add that I felt Nina did a fun sarcastic kind of twist on her own allergies and that was AWESOME. I recently found out she had bad allergies because I rewatched Vampire diaries for the third time and had googled her 2021 and saw a picture of her in the hospital. Being able to laugh at your own health oopsies is awesome👊👊👊🤘