The Last of Us is my favourite game and I was beginning to worry when I saw some people I respected criticising some of the choices made in the sequel, but playing it is a different story. The stream of online hate is straight up insane. Classic nonsense internet frenzy. Played for four hours last night and I've already been through more emotions than I experienced in any game since The Last of Us.
It's just an incredible, incredible experience. Technically astonishing, beautifully imagined - just overwhelming in the best way. You may not want the story go the way it does, I'm a little concerned they could be biting off more than they can chew but while playing it's impossible to deny its power. It's so layered and ambitious. I had tears in my eyes from the third scene. And then I sat stunned, almost unable to go on at other points. Some of the choices will be divisive for sure, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. That's an all too rare feeling in games.
I know it's mad to review a game before getting to the end, but it's already in another league. And it makes more sense than those review bombing it because of some out of context cutscenes and some rubbish they read on 4chan.
Finished it tonight. Wow. A technical marvel. Stunning graphics, sound design, atmosphere, fluid exciting gameplay mechanics. And then the story is so unique and gripping and just incredibly written and performed. It’s also hugely relevant in our divided times. The story makes players walk in the shoes of the enemy and see the story from multiple perspectives building empathy. It’s a tough sell in a world where everybody’s entrenched in their factions - whether they think PC culture or voting for Trump is the end of civilisation, nobody seems able to consider that the person who believes something that you don’t agree with might hold those views with the best of intentions. I’ve seen anti-woke dunderheads and hardline progressive loons both go after this game hard for different reasons, when it’s offering a lesson that they both could do with listening to.
It’s a little unwieldy in places and maybe doesn’t nail absolutely everything due to its staggering ambition. But I’ve never experienced a story quite like it, one that is truly heightened by the interactivity. The game is a straight up masterpiece.
And in a way it’s probably better that many people don’t agree. Many people choose to eat McDonalds. But they shouldn’t resent people for wanting something a bit more sophisticated.