SPOILER ALERT: Although the gameplay itself was detailed and had nice visuals, the storyline was terrible from start to finish.
Joel’s death made no sense whatsoever as gamers who’ve played the first game would know that Joel has tons of experience and would never unquestionably trust Abby with open arms and walk straight into a house with her group full of strangers. For however many years that Joel and Tommy have been living in Jackson they would know every camp within a certain radius, so his death was very unsatisfying and unjustly as it didn’t correlate with the character Joel is.
Moving on, they tried to turn as against Ellie and instead be more warm towards Abby, who killed Joel. Ellie had been adored by almost all fans of The Last Of Us and we hated to see her being portrayed in such a bad way.
Playing as Abby was boring, repetitive and slow.
All the game consisted of was tall dark buildings, killing enemies or zombies and running around to reach a destination constantly.
Felt like I was playing the same missions over and over again. Other than Lev and Yara, no new characters that were likeable were introduced, even then, Yara died early on as you chased around the City for hours to find supplies for her, only for her to then die by getting shot in the head like every other death in the game.
Lev was a transgender, so was Abby, Dina and Ellie were lesbian, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point of Tommy identified as sock at this point. Honestly, a mess of a game and a real let down due to the expectations after the first game.
The ending was very unsatisfactory and didn’t close of anything at all, Ellie once again chasing Abby just like she did the whole game, only to fight her and let her go off...