I really wanted to like it. I get that its intended to have a realistic feel as a documentary which I think was accomplished well enough. Some moments, it was a little erratic but understandable. I enjoyed the recognition and explanation of the culture and belief system. However, the characters just were not realistic. Even after it was thoroughly explained why the character was possessed, they mindlessly kept asking why. They took no precautions against the 'possessee'; allowing her to roam free and wreck havoc. I have no clue why they suggested anything about the sibling. That was valuable time, wasted. An opportunity to deepen the storyline, lost. I gave up when the family's ignorance overpowered any good that seemingly the entire village attempted. Its a relentless head scratcher. If good, feasible storylines, plots and somewhat sensible characters are your jam, skip this. Horror is one thing but a poor movie is a poor movie, despite the genre. Great actors though.