I don't know I just like the Game It's a piece Of art
the contrast of the story with the gameplay and graphics is just perfect I really liked playing it, I think it shows you very well the development of the characters, how they are forming in the people they are now,And I really don't think abby is a bad person simply, when we see it as taking away the most important thing in our lives, basically Joel, she sees it as revenge For her father that a person killed him because that person looked for himself and not others, while when we believe that killing her friends is revenge for Joel, for her it is to take away her loved ones, tell me something Joel asked Ellie if she wanted to be "Rescued", No and what Ellie wanted to help others. Being the skinny was his reason for all his trip with us, his reason for life, but Joel looked for himself in an act of selfishness, I think it is a great game, It teaches us that with revenge and hatred we do not weigh anything, It simply takes everything away from us and away from our loved ones. Well that's all It was a great experience and please give this great game a try,
And thanks you Naughty Dog
You are the BEST hah,
thanks you for this piece of Art. Love ya All