For my defense, Fairy Tail is very popular I loved ever since I started it when 2014 started but in my defense I do have to technically agree the fights were too short and should have been made longer but Lucy is the MC of the story giving on how she gone through alot because of her adventures. This shows is to give bonds for the people with each other although it's repetitive but it's still great to have some fun and laughs in the show and I'd say Tartarus was my favorite and had good moments and fights and definitely 100% loved the music and it stood by each arc and so I don't think it should be at least hated. Mashima is a hard working artist and writer and I understand he's doing his best and giving out the best out of his and hoping Eden's Zero and his spin off series 100 year quest will make it's tale last and making it understandable so every viewer watching Fairy Tail it's fine if you hate it but appreciate the effort that was put into it and at least for my rating on the Anime itself would be at least a 9 because it has flaws but still great to watch and have fun times feeling nostalgic about it that makes it wonderful.