This should be a slap in the face for "minority groups" out there. A half-hearted rushed movie for the shear fact of placing less represented individuals in prominent roles. I would have like to have seen something more realistic and less over saturation of the "under previlaged". Tired of the massive push in media to, include this movie, for "minority over-involvement". Just for once I would like to see a movie inharent to what minority portrayed individuals could actually relate to and not "what they SHOULD be relating too". Positive feedback- Create a spy movie, maybe like 007, but instead 008? He would be his own person with his own set of skills. Further that idea with 009, a black female again with her own set of skills. I would definately love to see that type of movie and I am sure millions more would too. Just saying, create similar not a replacement nor just overcompensation.