After more than 30 years as a devoted CBS Morning News, Evening News and Sunday Morning News viewer I am no longer going to watch any and all of your news programming and nightly programming too. What I always appreciated about CBS was you're fair and balanced news broadcasting but that has diminished incrementally over the last few years.
Just one segment this morning put me over the edge. When Tony DeKoupil interviewed the Oklahoma (R) Senator James Lankford about the Republican rally Tony was in fact trying to force this gracious man into saying he wasn't going to wear his mask at the Republican rally when he already said he was (except when he wasn't speaking.)
That sweet appearing Tony may weep when he talks about his mom and family but he behaved like a bully toward the Senator this morning. No news value or substance but childlike antics.
Besides that the sensationalizing way you have Norah O'Donnell now broadcast the Evening News is diminishing her wonderful sense of broadcast journalism. No more TV tabloids for me.