Talk about Rushing, from Middle to the end of the movie faster that Burta, beginning was great but definitely felt like they lost track of time Midway and rushed everything else. The CGI, all the Saturated colors, and the WAY too fast frames And shots made the fight scenes annoying for me to watch because it seemed I was watching a Michael Bay film. I actually like to watch and keep up with my fight scenes & see their moves & surroundings. it probably didn't help I'm not the biggest fan of the Saiyan Screaming Hulk, but I did love all the backstory we got in the beginning, I'm glad Toriyama didn't make Vegeta look completely useless in here (still needs Way more love tho). Broly has always seemed to me as a flawed character that brings up SOO many questions, this movie made him more likeable and I like that it leaves the door open for many possibilities and adds a new cool full blooded Saiyan to dragon Ball (kaba & tarble weren't it chief) & Gohan, Goten & small trunks are a joke.