I was surorised I had not become aquainted with Paul Hollywood's Bakes- it seems the British baking shows I enjoyed in the past, featuring Mary Berry's hostings did not include this charming renown baker. I am almost certain I have gained a good stone's weight, just looking and droolingat the stupendous choices of delectibles- like a baby with her mouth open, as the spoonful passes my eyes.I am inclined to call myself a professional taster, as I am an 'Old World' armchair traveller, and real history buff of all things antiqued in time. After years of enjoying all things Italian, from music, culture, to expanding my Italian vocabulary in my nursing, in caring for my senior patients,
These travel bake adventures have turned this Finn 'girl' into a bonafide Paul Hollywood groupie. Interestingly,or not, it was because of a special 'someone,' using Paul's pictures, Needless to say, I was totally gobsmacked with this revelation. City Bakes is a full multi dimensional experience- a definite 5/5 I may even get back to baking instead of just writing reflections in prose and poetry and eating 'the tasties,;, R,K,P,