This is by far one of the worst shows I ever watched. Quite frankly, I failed to understand the high acclaim from the so called 'critics'.
It depicts a rather self centered Irish-American couple, which i believe the thread is loosely connected to the actors/ writers' real life. The woman appears never happy with herself or folks around her, and is miserable at best. The man seems to spare no effort to confirm the stereotypical loud and rude American image, although oddly enough deeply loyal to the selfish wife for reasons that I fail to comprehend.
There are a fair bit of swearing and crude comments in the show. It was particularly troubling for the dead dog scene, do the producers have no empathy towards animals? All in all, it demonstrates without a doubt that the so called liberal elites are no better than the other side that it often explicitly or implicitly trying to ridicule throughout the show.
One has to be small-minded and wrapped up in their aweful life to enjoy something like. Do your self a favor, and not wasting your time on this garbage!