First of all, don't listen to reviews on the film, buy a ticket and go see it yourself. I'm not going to say much about what I like and dislike about the movie, but I can confidently say that this is not a bad film, or maybe even among the greats. The Last Jedi subverted our expectations, but in my opinion still not a bad film ( they still did Luke dirty tho, as I think he deserves much more than just becoming a force ghost or you call it One with the force), while Rise of Skywalker is more of a fan service ( which I don't get why some still get upset about, after all this is what they asked for), it serves well as the end of this trilogy and JJ did all he could to clean up the mess from the previous film, thus there is a lot happening in just over two hours and I felt I didn't have much chance to catch a break or absorb all the details, which in my opinion would've been better if it was as long as Endgame or maybe The Return of The King. Long story short, a decent movie, action-packed, nostalgic, emotional yet funny at times, once again perfectly scored and a great conclusion to the saga. Go see it with an open mind! May the force be with you