I’m sad to say that the newest battlefield is by far the worst one yet… so terrible! I have played multiple battlefields and have enjoyed all of them, so with great anticipation I purchased this one. But I wish I could return it already The maps are huge with no cover and a ton of players. They have the literal worst guns available to use. They have a shotgun that takes 2 shots when the barrel is 2” deep in the enemy’s torso. Why even have a shotgun if you have to run 300 meters just to be run over or sniped and spawn far away again… also so much lag and unfinished maps… also there is no aim assist at all I’m shooting completely around people not to mention you can spawn vehicles on top of roof tops where the objectives are that you are trying to capture with only elevators that being shot at by tanks as soon as they open… basically if you want to win just abuse the already broken vehicles in the game. DO NOT GET THE GAME…