Undoubtedly one of, if not the best releases of 2019. A real surprise and a slam dunk from the Boss. I cannot recommend this release any higher as it is a true masterpiece out of left field. It is a poignant, heartfelt look at aging, the West, loners, cowboys, truckers and regular Joes just trying to figure it all out. Most of them are still working through it to the end and this seems like the theme of the record--is a memory a regret or a blessing? Can there be redemption when there's nothing but the end of life? It's depressing and uplifting at the same time as each character comes to their own acceptance of their destiny and ultimate fate. Beautifully arranged and painstakingly written, the lyrics hit home and capture perfectly the stories he is telling you, transporting you to the scene and setting every time. Bruce has successfully reinvented himself once again putting the icing on the cake of his catalogue. Love it!