We don’t have these coupons in Australia. I’ve watched this show a few times and always find myself yelling at the TV ‘this is crazy!’. These people need help. It’s an addiction. They do it to get their ‘high’ just like a drug addict. The stockpiles always have lots of items that have expiry dates. I’m sorry, but you simply can’t use 200 bottles of pasta sauce before they expire. Same for cookies, pasta, chips, soft drinks, candy, sauces, canned food. It’s hoarding, just not with junk. Look I can understand if you do this to donate the food to charity or make up care packages, but most of these delusional people don’t. And some little old lady or person on a low wage, or a poor person, who really needs to save 50c on a grocery item, misses out because of these selfish women who want a display case of 300 hand washes in their basement. It should not be encouraged by stores or they should limit the amounts so everyone can get even a small benefit.