The entire film was terrible, from the story to the actors and down to the director. they really should have researched the Thunderbirds tv series and maybe then they would have understood that the kids of the 1960s 1970s were ready for this movie and not made such a lemon. lets not forget that the thunderbirds pilots did carry sidearms and on occasion did have to use them. and frankly if they could not get permission from Rolls Royce for FAB 1 then they should not have gone to the bottom of the barrel. why not use an older Marques after all Duesenberg made Rolls Royce look like a ford. basically the film flopped and never recovered its budget. i think its because the marionettes had more talent; better stories and a film crew that knew what they were doing. just watch the series and the film they made back in the day and thats Thunderbirds.