I don't like the film. The scene which takes place in a Miami motel room involving Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, Sam Cooke, and Malcolm X doesn't work. First of all, after having read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and the book Malcolm X by Manning Marable as well as the countless videos on YouTube of interviews with Malcolm X and other accounts of Malcolm X the depiction of the man in this film doesn't ring true. I have a hard time believing Mr.X would criticize Sam Cooke so harshly or be so outwardly angry in general in this setting. Also, I don't believe Malcolm X would tell Sam Cooke that he should be more like Bob Dylan. The scene is badly written it's a long boring discussion which the viewer has to endure. As a so called black man I've been in gatherings with other so called black men and the interaction between these four characters has no truth. I wonder what the last surviving member of the quartet , Jim Brown, thinks about this treatment.
Brian Hawkins