Date: 09-08-2019
FOR THE BIRDS documentary
Hello, just watched "For The Birds" - I must say in this day and age with all the violence going on all over our great country (USA) it certainly is a great thing this woman did for the animals she took care of. She certainly had a great deal of love for animals no question. A bit more species as it may be, I love Birds of all kinds and animals in general.
I felt compelled to write this commentary do to the loving nature of this documentary. It appears to me this woman loves all animals and did the best she could given the circumstances
I do not know this women, she has all my good wishes for now and in the future as well as the individual that made this documentary possible
With all the horror stories we all hear about on the news about how cruelty some animals are treated this documentary was a pleasure to see there are still people doing some of God`s work
Not sure this message will get to her; I pray it does so she realizes not everybody is against what she stands for
May God bless her