The Graphics in this game are the only jem you will leave with. It is a gorgeous and nominally interactive showcase of what UE5 can do and will thusly be used as a showcase going forward. This is not a game people will hold dearly in their hearts for years let alone decades.
This is a one and done experience and for those without clouded vision will want those 5-8 hours back bc once past the initial spectacle, Hellblade 2 is a bare bones experience that borrows from its predecessor in some ways, back tracks in others and genuinely screws up what the original title stood for by going overboard on elements that should be subtle.
The story has little weight and the diologue no real meaning. Leaving a sensible player with no connection to the protagonist and the characters you meet.
The combat is literally cut n paste and has little meaning to each swipe whether heavy or light its just a numbers game. Couple that with Enemies that may look different but are very much the same encounter each time, and your left with a lot of repetition.
75% of this game is spent walking with no environmental interaction or things to find. It's text book beautiful emptiness. I can't reccomend to be honest. It's just one of those games you show off with only they are usually good all around. Other games like this have just done a much better job like The Order 1886. Which people have to re review after this has done as well as it has in reviews