This was such a beautiful picture of real love and redemption. I read reviews and heard from others who were disappointed and embarrassed at the movie. I wonder if they read the book and understood how sex was distorted and twisted into something ugly and evil. This was never God's design for sex. People who view this movie from an understanding of trauma backgrounds understand how Satan steals, destroys, and distorts what God designed and
intended to be beautiful. The sex scenes in the movie never showed any nakedness, only love and emotions that were originally distorted and twisted. If you missed that in the movie , you missed the entire meaning of redeeming love and redemption. Working with people
who are sold into sex slavery may give you a different viewpoint. If you are one of His 99 and you are judgmental of how He left you to rescue the “one”(possibly a person in the theater) maybe rethink the point and message if the movie. It’s not for us that know His gospel message. It’s for the ones that have never known or experienced redemption, real, and unconditional love. He came to seek and save those that are lost. Christians are not in that category. Ask to see it from His eyes.