Dark Phoenix: 7/10
While this was certainly not without it's flaws, it was a pretty entertaining X-men Flick. I would rank it somewhere in the First-Class/The Wolverine area as it has some pretty cool stuff in it, but definitely some head shaking moments as well. It's nowhere near as bad as critics reviews would have you think. Not even close to Origins, Last stand or Apocalypse. I think if it had been two movies, it would have had the time to properly set everything up and been a much better experience. It mostly suffers from lack of motivational explanations. Rather than create any kind of organic reasoning they just fridge Mystique and have the X-Men fight a bunch of alien zombie monsters because alien zombie monsters. Having said that, X-Men as a horror movie would be awesome, as the alien zombie monster battle was pretty intense regardless of a complete lack of reasoning behind it.