1.5 out of 5 Freddie B's
Movie overall is weak and insulting. There is a great plot and story here but it's never all connected logically and correctly to pull it off.
It's a collection of nice pieces but none of them connect.
The acting is subpar and alot is left on the table as far as energy in the scenes.
There are area where "Ed", Keanu's assistant leaves jokes on the table and doesn't execute them at all. He is supposed to be the comic relief but he fails miserably.
The different characters all fail their respective roles in the movie, from antagonist to protagonist to comic relief to love interest.
Keanu's wife character, she gets stuck in the middle of being a "drone" and being human after she is replicated. She ends up being human like the children are but initially they try to build suspense where you wonder what's gonna happen with her. The children do little things that are weird but it's never explained why.
It's like someone watched movies over the years and thought of nice suspenseful, edge of the seat moments and threw them all here but just totally neglected the plot and storyline arc throughout the movie.
There are worthless, wasted characters in the movie. They could've played a part in the end of the movie.
The ending is not good because makes no sense. Once again, why would that happen and how?
As the movie progresses, it gets worse and worse. Because the plot holes add up to big to overcome.
Don't go see this in theaters, wait for this to show up on regular TV... If it ever does.