I am truly shocked out how many positive reviews there are for this film. I left the movie theater feeling sad at the fact that I spent over two hours watching such a superficial racist and classist film.
The entire movie is about a guy that feels his life is over because he is going bald(much bigger issues in the world), teaching that baldness makes you some how less worthy of love and respect.
The other prominent message is dark is not beautiful, this was the truly disgusting message in the movie. The entire movie sends the very direct and incorrect message that being darker toned is a negative thing. The main character directly makes comments about the “ugliness” of darker tones. At the very very end he realizes his friend of a darker complexion is great and proposes, AT THE END! And his proposal and validation to her is supposed to be such a wonderful thing. A light skinned man accepts a darker skinned woman, are you kidding me?! What year are we in?! So for basically two hours we are receiving these awful messages and the last bit he makes this turn around of acceptance. WHAT?!
I feel so sad for the people growing up watching this and seeing these incorrect sickening messages thrown at them.
If the entire movie wasn’t already horrible enough when I came to write this review I saw a picture of the main cast and noticed the very obvious; for the darker complexion role they cast a very fair skin person and did black face!!!!!
This movie is so racist, classist, superficial and frankly bland.
Every color is beautiful, no human is above the other.
What a disappointment in everyone that participated and created this film and in those that think it’s great and don’t see what’s horribly wrong with it. I am making a note of the directors and never seeing a film of theirs again. Huge fail!