If your a fan of the Prequel and Original Trilogies, Your not going to like this movie. It's plot basically goes down to a Mcguffin Fetchquest minigame filled with Deathstar sized plotholes that have MAJOR ramifications on the Disney Lore and the Other Trilogies as a whole. (Not in a good way mind you.) What theyve done to Carrie Fischer in this movie is Extremely disrespectful and disgraceful, She shouldnt have been in the movie to begin with. Everyone has to speak her lines for her since she's dead, and they recycle footage from previous films. Also dosent help that this Film has nothing to do with Skywalker as they Continue to double/Triple/Quadruple down on Rey being a mary sue space jesus that has earned no right to the ending she has. Mark Hamill isnt even in the movie for more than a Minute.