Wow! What an amazing flick. Ethan Hawke, January Jones and others star in a story about drone operators and the emotional fallout of killing from afar. I never even once felt it to be preachy as many of these movies about the morality of war (and the executive arm) often are. The pace is excellent and you can really feel the tension in that pressure cooker of a situation Hawke's character is in and you just keep waiting for him to lose it. Brilliantly acted and produced, and I think it may have been low budget (I don't know the actual numbers). This is the sort of flick all of us must watch if we are to get even an inkling of what modern warfare is truly like. It's one thing to read the news about horrifying death and destruction, but it's quite another to get inside the heads of those dealing death with their mere fingertips... not to mention, those of the victims, and comprehend their options. Check it out!