This book is very very good.
Before reading this book and applying it, I would talk to a group of women but the interaction would not go anywhere... the conversation would eventually stop....
Now I have an actionable game plan where I am leading the interaction thru what Jared calls "Rungs" in his Attraction Ladder. I am able to free my crush from her friends and I don't get cocked blocked anymore because all of her friends like me because I made sure to use peer approval.
When my crush and I are alone and after we have built a connection I am not planning dates before I ask for the phone number and since I did every step properly the dates do not flake anymore.
I can not say enough good things about the attraction ladder that Jared teaches in this book.
Another bonus in the book was the 15 Mantra's . I would always have approach anxiety or I would freeze up in the interaction. After really diving deep into these Mantra's a lot of the approach anxiety has gone away and I feel way more at ease in the interactions.
This is a must read for anyone who wants to have a better social life or sex life.
I highly recommend this book. 5 Stars