The Episode with BTS:That was not humorous; it was not light-hearted, it wasn't even funny. I would expect a country that was originally a Penal Colony to be more aware of who they sling mud at. Racism, even Passive Racism is not something that any media outlet should condone or be a part of. When you consider how many fans there are of BTS in Australia alone, it is very possible that the viewership of the show could dramatically decrease. This not about Pissing off 146 Million ARMYS...It is about basic human and professional respect. You don't have to like them, you don’t have to like their music, you don't have to like anything about them...But what you have to do is respect them professionally, they earned that. You do have to clearly acknowledge their Achievements, They worked for that. NO TIME EVER do you get make fun of ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN ASKED TO SPEAK AT THE U.N. for the cause of helping children. That is beneath not only their hosts but also diminishes the credibility of their show. I'm not going to even address the "Are they gay?" comment. Personally speaking, I think that slamming BTS was just a way for them to up their ratings, the minute they slandered BTS they knew ARMYS, would flashback and all of that would guarantee them attention. Everything said and done is beneath them, and they should have thought that segment through more before they allowed it to happen.