Holy moly sonic 2 is best movie ever it loebed jimmy carrel as the egg I loved when morbitties came in with one morbillion morbucks and played amongsus with knuckles the enchilada.
Plot: Sonc takes big farts and opens portal to mushroom planet and egglor and chuckles jump out and beat the ahitt out f the song but then donut lord comes and kills them all with the help of tools the fax machine and thwt one lady I forgot her name. Anyways egg vores emerald and becomes more powerful than rock Fortnite ehimself and explodes world and then Rick Morty make cameo and kill Jimmy Carrey rippppppl
Musc: I loved when morbical, the Morbius theme played it was so cool because morbitches us best movie. All other song fine tbh
Acting: Morbius as the egegegegeg was best part I also loved how Bob from minions played Super Duper 2090% power sonci.
Movie gets a Dr. Ivo Robotnik / 20 it was very sussy bussy and made 2 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand (lot of zeroes) money's at the box office can't wait for Sonc 3: More Sonc, More Michael M. Morbius.