Amazing sequel to an amazing game. I enjoyed it even more than the first. This game has had a lot of hate thrown at it. You only need to look at the ratings to see all the one-star haters. This is down to people having problems with Naughty Dog, and has nothing to do with the game. All the people who went looking for the leaks so they could read them - WHY??? These so-called fans only have themselves to blame. I didn't even watch any trailers for the game. I didn't want to know a thing about it.
The people who hate this game haven't played it through to the end. They just don't get it, or refuse to accept the way that Naughty Dog wanted continue the story. Why would you want the sequel to be exactly the same as the first game? The Empire Strikes Back is not the same as Star Wars.
You only need to watch any of the hundreds of videos on Youtube of people completing the game to see the impact it has made on them.
The other issue I think is that people are racing through the game. I read the average completion time is 21 hrs. Hell, I got to the mid-point at 22 hrs! and I was at over 39 hrs when I completed it. I wanted to revel in every minute of it.
One comment I heard on one of the videos, which I think is a good one is, if you played the 2 games back to back instead of 7 years apart, I don't think anyone would have had a problem with the story.
I applaud Naughty Dog for an outstanding experience, that is still stuck in my mind and I really do hope that they ignore all ill-conceived rantings that this game received and release a third part of The Last of Us story. I can't wait, and I'm happy that I'm not the only one.