I see the negative responses towards people who did not appreciate the woke signaling. These tolerant folks took their time responding to a response while warning that we should all be kind and tolerant. It's simple: if you have traditional family views, you will probably not love this movie. If you appreciate something very different you will love it, there it is. I am not big on being flippant about Jesus and the retelling of the birth of Christ or add libbing with vegetables and clean energy. I did not appreciate the Madonna ( Like a Prayer) song included in the Christmas play. The song is about Falacio and being on her knees, real kid-friendly stuff right? I understand its humour but it's not my kind of humour. It's two very different views of the world. I am not judging anyone for liking it but I see the posts judging folks who did not. Everyone is supposed to love everything unless its wokeness that calls out Conservatism for being intolerant. How about we all live and let live, some will like the movie, and some will not, it's okay people.