Wow I really really LOVED this movie the plot was just so perfect and wasn’t confusing at all. Artemis was EXACTLY like he was supposed to be in the books, smart and stupid at the same time. Holly was ok. I loved Jack Black as Mulch it was perfect casting. Root was... um... female? Why? Why Disney? I think it was totally perfect and doesn’t ruin holly’s character as the only female in L.E.P.R.E.C.O.N. And then butler or should Dom. If I am being truthful for a moment please Disney why did ruin butler (Dom I guess). Juliet, wow I absolutely support Disney taking away butlers sister and replacing her with a 12 year old. And now my favorite character from the books Foaly. Being truthful I can’t stand what they did to him. Disney I couldn’t think that you could do anything worse than Percy Jackson and the Star Wars sequels but I hate this movie more than anything else you have ever done (except wreck it Ralph 2)