Firstly, this has NOTHING to do with the television show. In fact, this title now seems irrelevant to the game and was probably only used because the show was/is so popular. Great marketing, cheap tactics.
2nd... THQnordic games, release some cheapy games...they're Iike a guilty pleasure, and you can tell they try to put effort into them sometimes, but don't have a high budget/software.
It looks like a ps3 game for the most part. Plays like a ps2 game, but it could be worse...
Some slightly eerie scenes, atmosphere.
Decent story. Fun puzzles. It's a semi-horror, but mostly mystery.
Too dark at times...(EX:) a certain part of the game (no spoilers), you don't have a light source, but your partner does, and she'll stay back with it, 90% of the time while you're trying to find your way in the dark.
There's load screens every damn time you walk into a new area/room, which is almost constantly. I'm on ps5 AND it even starts to get annoying. I feel sorry for anyone that is on ps4, for sure. (Longer load times). Might not even be worth it to play the game, for some.
It looks cheap, and plays cheap sometimes (minor glitches, having to move 1st person view around awkwardly while examining objects).
Also, save your game every so often...just to be safe.
Other than that, it's a simple, little filler game if you're bored. I wouldn't pay over $10 at all, though. Took me 5-6 hours to complete.