Loved it at first then just got bored. Not an actual remake. Graphics are great. Storyline failed to capture the grittiness of the original. Don’t want to give anything away but don’t expect it to feel as dark. This game is just the Midgar part and a bunch of filler missions that so many games nowadays seem to be doing to fill time. Most of which feel lame. I give it three stars because it has something to offer to people who never played the original and the great graphics but otherwise I might have gone one star less. Feels super linear after awhile. I wished I would have waited until it hit like $30-$20. Probably won’t be purchasing the the next part. Used to love these FF games but I think I’m finally just completely done with the series. Again I feel like it has something to offer to people who never played the original hence three stars but then again I would suggest to them and everybody else to just play the original instead.