I have been a loyal fan of Morning Joe for years, but the show has taken a nosedive since Mika and Joe "came out" about their relationship and it has grown boring, dull and listless since they've been married.
Joe is now self-centered and this morning he wouldn't let Mika talk, she looked embarrassed and uncomfortable. The old Mika would have told him to shut up.I don't want to hear Joe talk sports with Mike Barnicle, or Willie Geist. This morning, Joe was intolerable and seemed pretty "hopped up" on something".Guess, he's spending too much time with his "band".What's with the split screens??? The two are you are always somewhere else or pretending to be. You're married. You can't be in the studio together? I bet your producers love this.
Mika and her women's "Know your worth" workshops....please Mika today you let Joe run over you with his gibberish. Not a good look for your cause.It's a joke. He disrespects you. And what's happened to your wardrobe? You used to dress up, but that was maybe due to you and Joe flirting those days. Morning Joe was good then and entertaining. There was sexual tension and Mika you were fiesty. Now you roll over for Joe. Stop wearing that black shirt. I know MSNBC pays you enough money to buy clothes.
It's time for Willie Geist and Mike Barnicle to host the show. Mika go do your workshops. Joe go play your music and write your op-eds. Both of you looked burned out and most of the time are gone.You're sleep walking during the show.
What a shame. I watch MSNBC all the time and you used to be my favorite show. Now you are the worst.
Gotta go and switch the channels to CNN. I have a headache from Joe and disgusted with watching Mika try to get a word in edgewise.