Where to start... so this film is simple in all the ways a film can be simple. But “simple” is not necessarily a negative term here. For those expecting mind blowing special effects, full explanations of what’s wrong and a deep back story of your main characters - look elsewhere because this isn’t one of those movies. This is more of the “war of the worlds” without the aliens type of “make you think” flick that genuinely has its own character.
A common problem with Netflix films are the titles. They make you think the show will be something it’s not. This particular flick falls right into that line. That being said, this is truly a very unique movie riding a line between sci-fi and romance. For some strange reason it does this very well which is surprising since most sci-fi movies that try this fail miserably. Could it use more story? Yes. Could it have had a more fleshed out ending? Absolutely. But this is one of those movies where the ending isn’t the payoff (what? The ending is always the payoff he must be mad!) it’s the meat in the middle. It’s a far cry from the blockbusters we see on silver screen as this movie makes you use a lot of your imagination to fill in the blanks - and it does that wonderfully. My advice - get a bottle of something good, sit back tomorrow (especially if you’re in the northeast) and unwind a bit. Give it a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised. 7/10 or actually pretty friggin good.