I really enjoyed this movie. Watched it twice and liked it even more the second time. Johnny Depp was amazing in the last ones but I believe Mads was a better fit because of the way he portrayed himself, calmer, and it was easier to see how Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald. Whereas, Johnny Depp was a bit more eccentric and I found it harder to see..
I see a lot of people complaining about Dumbledore being gay but I’m pretty sure JK Rowling made that clear years ago.. I don’t know why this is new? Dumbledore literally said they were closer than brothers in the last film…
Also, people are upset that Grindelwald slit the chillin in the throat.. I get it, it was an animal, and may shown cruelty but the creature is completely CG… No one was saying anything when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, a kid, or when Umbridge was torturing the students or when Voldemort was killing the unicorns to stay mortal...
Most people I see giving negative reviews, it seems like they haven’t even watched or read the books because I definitely think this movie flowed very well as it could.