If I earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, which I did, and observed a few of my father’s elementary classes and did some scut work for him and then I began a job on TV proclaiming myself an expert who spoke for all elementary education teachers, I would be laughed off the air. And so it is just as ridiculous that Meaghan McCain is even on the show proclaiming that she is a political expert representing conservatives .
I have been a long time viewer and even had the program scheduled on my DVR. But no more. My respect for the work that the show does was broken when Meghan said that Mr. Obama is the reason we have Mr. Trump as president. No reason given. No evidence, just her opinion, oracle-like.
She may also have said earlier this month that we should do away with the press, but I am not sure about that. In any case, she has neither the credentials nor a right to be there. She seems to be looking for references of her verbal antics in the press. It’s past time for her to go.
Try to bring back Abbey.