My Love for Pearl Began with my trip to Apalachicola !!! It was a vacation that my husband and me have long awaited- Little did I know that I would meet Michael Kinnett!!! I never knew about Pearl till I visited the Orman House-- I was amazed with his humor and his love of History!!! I met my match!!! I always try to visit book stores on my travels so Here I was at the book store His name and the first book- Pearl!!! I went back to the Orman House there he was eating Chicken He signed my book- I read the book Goodness I wanted to get in that book and take Pearl home!! That is how much I was into this book-- I wont say how it ends but I found my self back visiting all the history places in the book Where tPearl went and where she lived-- The 2nd book was even better-- Thank goodness somebody took Pearl-- Read for yourself-- It ends with my love of History again for Charity and all the slaves there that needed help- I went back to the Orman house and just wondered thru the house !!! The Hurricane Michael came-- Mother of Pearl- I stayed up all night reading-- I got it on Christmas Day-!!! I thought to myself- These books should made into a movie-- I thought I could be Sadie Orman-- THis kind gentle history man is one of my beloved friends His books too!!! Do u ever know how it feels to read the last page of a book and be sooo sad happy and wanting another-- Love u Mike-- Keep writing always-- I am just waiting here!!!