Frustrating multiplayer. Not recommended for casual gamers with average internet speed. If you don't mind endlessly spawning to get shot instantly, repeatedly for hours then this may be a good game for you. It can be fun but many issues with hacks and bugs. For the billion dollars they made on this game it shows a real lack of effort in maintaining a playable and engaging experience. I really truly hate the maps on almost every level. They are intentionally set up to promote camping so new players can feel adequate by finding spots to post and shoot from. Maps are not nearly as dynamic as I wished they were. For supposedly being the most realistic 1st person shooter this game is pretty much garbage. Wepond balancing is a joke. When a 9mm smg can turn and shoot you after being shot multiple times with a battle rifle and you die....It has its moments. But overall it could have been something its not. Truly great.