The show Stranger Things is the best show I've ever watched! the compelling characters at the time and in the setting makes this show perfect! This show has many surprises and moments that make your heart melt and each death of each character that we all root for, also teach us that bad things can happen to good people, which is a very good lesson to learn. I am very happy to hear there will be a fourth season added to this series, and hopefully, a fifth will be in the making. I see some of these characters as role models in my life as I grow up in and out of middle school. Each character has a personality that I would like to and continue to follow, for ex: Mike's resourcefulness, Dustin's loyalty, Eleven's braveness and honesty, Billy's confidence, Max's helpfulness, Lucas's ability to not just trust everyone he meets, and Will's innocence are all things I want to follow. This show can be many things to many people and is definitely something I want to keep in my life. I like to see the actors grow up with the show, and see their true personalities shine. I am only 12, but I have learned a lot, and now know a lot.