MOTHER THREE IS AMAZING. I've played the fan translation. I'm on the end of the seventh chapter, and it's been a GREAT way to spend quarantine. I, however, have never cried from any fiction before, so I'm the wrong person to comment on this game. This was the first video game EVER to even make me feel a little sad. I warn you, if you're not a heartless demon like me, it is VERY sad.
*Spoilers ahead* *I warned you!*
The game is sad. VERY, very sad. Probably the second saddest game EVER, behind only the Walking Dead. Mother 3 starts where you get to gives names to a cheerful family of four and their ~overly~ loyal dog. You answer a few questions, then stats the story. You play as a nine year old and his twin brother playing with some friendly animals. Happy, right? The boys and their mother are in the mountains visiting their mother's dad, Alec. Their dad is at home taking care of the sheep. The player starts to develop a close relation to these characters, and by the middle of the first chapter, BAM. The game kills off the mother/wife, her husband goes crazy (mentally), one of the boys goes missing (it's later revealed he gets kidnaped and turned into a cyborg), and the one boy is alone.
In chapter 2, a young man fails to show his father he is worthy, until he goes missing and his father griefs.
In chapter 3 there is heavy animal abuse, and at the end, a young girl, the last survivor of a royal family, is forced to hide from the government only because she was kind to an enslaved monkey.
In chapter 4, the boy from the start who lost his mom and brother goes on a quest to find the man who went missing, and ends up getting attacked in a hot spring turning him into a psychic (the scene is censored). He and his father's sheep dog head to a factory where they are forced to work so they can get tickets to rock concert where the man is believed to be. They get the tickets, and end up finding the young princess was hiding disguised as a "girl-y girl" waitress there. She hates her job, but working there is the only way to not get caught and killed, even though she has to wear revealing clothes, and grown men call her "baby". They find the missing guy, but he has no memory.
Eventually they find an egg that gives him his memory back. in chapter 5. Chapter 5 also shows a guy dying by falling off a skyscraper
In chapter 6 the boy falls off a cliff thinking he sees a ghost of his mom.
In chapter 7, A LOT OF THINGS HAPPEN. There's a FNAF-style scene, the monkey is reunited with the girl that saved him, there's a dramatic goodbye, and, most importantly, the princess girl was raised by a gender fluid half-human person named Ionia. For the sake of the world, the main character is forced to kill them (them or it? I can't tell, cause they're only half human).
In chapter 8 the boy finds his brother. After the ghost of their mother frees him from mind control, he kills himself in front of his brother, his brother's friends, and his father. That is the ONE SCENE that made me emotional.
In the epilogue the world is destroyed so... yeah. Everyone dies.