I feel that there are some scene where the director or writer can do better.
- Why would you need to try to know that your hand won't reach the hose before finally decide to find a tool to get it. I mean, you can measure it by seeing.
- Whenever anyone close to each character is death/turned, the character would turned dumb or dumber to the already dumb character. e.g. Nam On-Jo. Man, you should slap her sense back into her head.
(I guest they try to make it emotional. But to me, it's totally failed)
- Cheong-San's mother is kinda stupid, stoopid, stooopid.
- The female teacher kinda annoying too, as if her role will be important, but get bitten when tried to save the selfish girl ,which.. finally died too. What use of her character, there is no impact for other character development too.
- They're all physically strong, there is no signs of hunger or dehydration, and can still run and fight vigorously.
These are some example that I can remember right now.
But if you just ignore all of it, you still can enjoy the show.