-Best actor in this movie was the pigeon! Please see his work between 1:19:00-1:20:00
-Script was below par.There was no connection between the diner and Leonard, yet the movie made it seem like there was because the detective was sus over the smallest details
-Unnecessary characters who somehow had everything to do with the plot
-Camila Mendes' character "Katie" was not effectively portrayed in the scene where her husband died. While her crying was expected to be below basic, it was not expected to be THIS poor.
-This movie would have only been 40 minute long if "Katie" was not indecisive and didn't repeat questions that were already answered. Camila's character also continuously dodged questions like "where are the diamonds" as if those gun shots damaged her eardrums. I know the writers did it for suspense, but it did not work out well.
-Diamonds appeared as if you were mining in minecraft. Poor edit!
-Overall, Dangerous Lies would have been good if you threw away the cast and script!