I love this show and find myself binge watching it whenever I get a chance but I do get frustrated when I see the favoritism rear it’s ugly head. Generally speaking I notice that there are times that competitors do not complete the challenge and they still stay where others who complete the challenge get sent home. In all fairness if you do not complete the challenge you should be sent home as long as it’s due to your own fault if someone completes the challenge but does a poor job that still is a step above someone who does not complete or meet the challenge and because of that when you allow someone who is not completed the challenge or has not met the challenge to stay in the competition then that’s favoritism and there has to be some other reason you kept them and make someone else go which means if you’re going to cherry pick The people who are involved in this than I have the challenge to begin with you’re either going to have a competition or you’re going to pick how you want things to go but you can’t call it a competition if you’re not following the rules. I should be held accountable for my behavior that means if I mess up the challenge then I’m on the chopping block if I don’t complete the challenge on the chopping block if I don’t meet the challenge at all I’m on the chopping block. It should not get me a pass because I have more liked than others. One of the things I think you should start testing in a challenging people on as it really need to deal with customers clients the way they treat people Hass to be part of the challenge when you are in a service industry you have to know how to treat people and please stop labeling people as if they’re an object these are people that you’re dealing with their clients not human canvases that suggests That you’ve peeled off your skin and are using it