I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Judy Justice and then it arrived. This “new and improved” version served me exactly what I needed. For starters it removed the blinders I had on thinking this woman was for fair and equal justice, (the bottle throwing case was the straw) it brought her true character into my view and it made Mr Byrd’s light shine a whole lot brighter.
Does she owe anything to Mr Byrd? No, but as a decent human being who called this man her “good friend” she was anything but a good friend or decent human being. As we’ll educated as you love to let the rest of the world know you are, loyalty apparently is something you were never taught.
The addition of Judy’s grand daughter,why? Totally unnecessary. The show is recorded, why a stenographer? Totally unnecessary.The conversations after the verdicts,why? We all know who’s opinion is law. Totally unnecessary. Why so much anger toward the less fortunate? Just why,why why?
I’m no longer a fan and I know that’s just fine because you’re the perfect, well educated, highly paid Judge Judith Sheindlin sitting on her throne passing her judgment on the rest of us. Good riddance.