If you don't have people to play this game with, don't waste your time. It's anti-solo player no matter whether you join a crew or sail alone. If you sail alone, you'll more often than not lose your ship to a storm or sea creature and lose all your progress over the last couple of hours. Anything you haven't turned in, doesn't get saved. Every time you come across a kraken, every time you leave your boat to explore an island, every time you get loaded up with treasure, you will lose it all. If you try to AFK to use the restroom or get a drink, you will get disconnected for idle, and again you will lose it all.
If you join a larger ship with an open crew, you will be lucky to have 1 person in the crew actually playing attention and wanting to play. The other 1 or 2 will never show up to the ship and/or never stay long. To get onto a crew with a couple people that know what they are doing would be like winning the lottery.
Again, if you don't know people to play with already, you are wasting your money. If you play for 1-5 hours and find out I was right, guess what? Microsoft doesn't refund your money like Steam or ANYONE ELSE would. If you play the game once, regardless of what the issue is, you won't get a refund. 80% of all the people that ever started Sea of Thieves quit within the first month, most within the first couple of days. Either way, you lose your money and get little in return other than seeing a beautiful game and sailing the seas a few times. The game is beautiful and has boundless potential. Watch Summit1g play solo and see what you think....oh wait you can't, because he wouldn't, because no one in their right mind could play the game alone more than a couple of times and enjoy it.
First negative review of a game in my 20+ years of being a hardcore gaming elitist. Even sh_tty games don't get bad reviews from me because it's not worth the time or effort, however this trash takes the cake