I’m a white male so I guess my opinion doesn’t matter.
Wanted to wait till the whole season was released to give this show a chance. I get that I’m just not the target audience for this but did they have to ruin other characters which writers have painstakingly poured their life into? Fans have become accustomed to the characters we know and this show doesn’t stay true to their established character traits and motivations. Following this series, I’m seriously concerned for where Daredevil is headed in the MCU. I’m also no longer optimistic about what the Hulk is doing moving forward. But hey, that’s just me.
The CGI throughout was just not good and the finale was some of the worst. The scene of her walking into the marvel studio looked like they animated her and had to speed it up without doing the same to the background. I fully get this is a tv series and not a feature film so I shouldn’t be expecting top notch but seriously, I wish marvel would stop obsessing over the use of CGI. I honestly would’ve preferred if they had just done up some great makeup on she hulk and used camera trickery to make her look larger. Seeing Daredevil in CGI made me realize just how great and how much care the Netflix series put into giving us real action sequences.
Next the writing - it’s just bad. I don’t blame the actresses and actors, they did the best they could with the content and they execute it decently well but for a show meant to be a comedy, I just don’t find it funny. I really didn’t laugh once and found things more cringe than anything else. There’s potential here to do things funny but I just find myself rolling my eyes and it has nothing to do with this being a woman’s show. But maybe this is the stuff the gen Z crowd will find hilarious.
Last the finale. If you’re waiting for some action stuff to happen at some point in this show, you can rest assured the finale doesn’t deliver. 9 full episodes and the closest I think we got to a fight scene was a 2 minute segment to end an episode where she hulk tossed around some thugs. I guess she hulk and daredevil fought (if you can call it that). Instead of ending with a bang, she-hulk chooses to break the fourth wall and opt for a quip filled conversation re-enforcing its female empowerment theme just incase you missed it the whole series.
Ultimately the show did things different and the finale tried something new. It just didn’t land for me