For the love of god this show is so bad, between the horrific story and terrible plot there is nothing to like about it. Oh my god they attempt at social commentary is the equivalent of old southern men trying to be “pc” after the civil war. Not to mention the Taylor swift comment that goes completely against what the story is trying to say. 100% a miss everything went over they’re head, they at some point throw aside the “message” of the show for the very week plot, for instance the “the operation olympics.” Also the all the characters are so poorly developed that all of them come across as cold hateful people. God I hate this show, they tried to pile up so many important topics that they all failed, and the story makes no scene in that context. It’s really sad because everything they said was so important to talk about. Not to mention all the 15 year olds are having sex all the time. They didn’t need to be breading that much, casting wise they seemed to look a little old, par Ginny who like like she’s 11. Marcuse in particularly looks so old. And the character of Hunter stuffed the most from the writing, in the show his is call “just a ponytail” and he literally is. For instance one of his friends literally sexually harass Ginny (says you look so pretty birthday girl to bad you don’t have big tatas like your mom) and the only response he has is dude come on. Then they have oral sex because he’s such a white knight. It’s just gross and terribly written please it’s so so bad.